
Webdav Hacking And Defacing Tutorial

Step 1:

Pretty simple.
find a website that goes http://www.website.com/webdav
that then says as its content “WebDav Test” or somthing like that eh

Step 2:
Opening Up The “Map Network Drive”
Meth0d 1(Right Click On MyComputer) WINDOWS XP
Meth0d 2(Click The Start Bar) WINDOWS 7

 Step 3:
Click on “sign up for online storage of conect to a network server”
Itll load. Click Next. “Choose Another Network Location”.

Step 4:
Input http://www.site.com/webdav
Login Username Is Default: wampp
Login Password Is Default: xampp

Step 5:
Browse Files Until you see The “WebDav” Directory and copy your shell.php
usually c99shell.php or whatever shell you have .php.

Step 6:
go to[url] http://www.site.com/webdav/shell.php%5B/url%5D replace shell.php with the name of your shell.

step 7:
Go back to all the files. go to htdocs. go to global.php edit to deface page. edit index.html to deface
save them username and password is the password you used to login.