
How To Hack Facebook Accounts By Tabnabbing

Tab-nabbing is an advanced  Phishing technique .it requires a lot of coding to be done ,But i have tried to keep it as simple as possible hope you like the following tutorial


1. You should know how Phishing , Tabnabbing works  if not read the following articles

  1. What is Phishing 
  2. Hack Facebook accounts by Phishing 
  3. Tabnabbing – A New Type of Phishing Attack

2. A Free Web Hosting Account – You can or

3. You should have the following files which are required for tabnabbing   

  1. Facebook.html  –Fake Facebook login page (phisher) 
  2. login.php – Script which captures the login details of the victim
  3. google.html – Standard google page used to trick the user
  4. tabnabb.js – Java script which is required for tabnabbing

You can download all the files from Here  & to get the password Click Here

1. First a fall  download all  the files and extract them using winrar or win-zip , Then upload  facebook.html ,login.php & google.html to your free web webhosting account

2. Now open tabnabb.js using a notepad , Search for “Enter your URL here” , Now replace it with your “Facebook.html” url which you uploaded in the previous step, finally save it and upload  tabnabb.js to your hosting account

3. By now you should have successfully uploaded all the four files to your hosting account as shown

4. Now to check whether the hack is working, click on the google.html link and open it , Now open few new tabs , After some time you will see google page switched to your fake Facebook page

5. Now once the victim enters all his credentials in our fake facebook login page and clicks login, he will be redirected to  page to avoid suspecion

6. To see the victim login details go to your hosting account where you will see a new file “log.txt” Open it to see the victims user-id and password

special thanks to hackholic.