Password cracking


What you will need
PasswordsPro Cracked:
Nice word lists:
Nice Word lists:
Hash Algorithms:

Ok now you have everything you need it’s time to start cracking…

To start off you will want to extract your word lists into the dictionary directory which passwords pro have provided like so:

Once this is done you will need to import them into the simple dictionaries list in passwords pro… To do this you need to open passwords pro and in the menu bare you go toservice>settings, then you go to “dictionaries” in the list on the left hand side, once you have done this you will need to right click the big white area and click add… Now you need to find the word lists you want to import which has been extracted into your passwords pro dictionaries list so look for that and start importing each word list from each folder, it is also a good idea to import the default passwords pro lists as they’re the very basic passwords which a lot of people use… It should look like this once done:

Press “Ok” and we’re ready to start cracking!

Ok, there are a few different ways in which you can import hashes/salts etc, this can be done by adding them one by one which can be very time consuming or you can list each hash and salt in a word document, an example of this would be:

The above image is showing two hashes and salts from a vbulletin database, it has been set out with hash:salt the : in between each item is important as passwords pro picks this up as a break, now that You’ve done that save it as anything.txt. Now that You’ve saved it you want to import it into the interface to start cracking, to do this you need to click on the little white page next to the “Open” icon, this will allow you to select a file so look for the file you have saves the hashes in and open it, once done, you will be given a screen like this:

This is where the hash formats list comes in… Depending on where you got the hash from or what type of database it’s from you will need to edit the “Select hash type” so you know which hash you’re attempting to crack go to this: and look for the Hash Algorithm which links to where you got your database from and look for it in the hash type drop down box like so…

In this case we will be cracking a vbulletin hash meaning we will need to look for md5(md5($pass).$salt) as it says in the hash type list I given.

Note: Not all hashes have a salt such as MD5 which is just a hash on it’s own which can be cracked. In this case I will be changing the “Line Format” to Hash:Salt as that is what I have in my hash list.

Press “Ok” and once done your passwords pro will look like this:

Ok now we need to change the way passwords pro would approach the hash and crack it, this can be done like this:

We will be using simple dictionary attack as this is how we use the word lists imported from the beginning of the tutorial.

Now we can crack! All you have to do is click on the button which looks like this:

We’re done!

Just a quick note: To add a hash on it’s own just right click on the form it’s self and click “Add” and just follow the instructions given from the middle of this tutorial.

Sit back and wait for the hash to crack :D