Android Keylogger

If you want to install the software version, please uninstall the previous version of the software currently present on the phone *.
Activate your phone and follow the instructions below: go Menu then Browser
Then, connect to Internet from your mobile and enter the URL of the site:

–    Android 2.x:

–    Android 4.x:

Wait a few minutes during the download and then click 1mole_xx.apk file to start installing the software on your mobile.
Once the installation process is complete. Go to Settings->Accessibility and turn on the Services with the name is “”.
At google search bar, type in access code to open the software 1mole (default is 123456 ) Or you can dial the access code to open the software 1mole.
In 1mole main screen, enter the email address and the password for your account Bosspy and click Login.
Click Settings to go to setting screen if you want to change configuration.
You can then set the range of updated GPS positions or turn off some options.
You can change the secret code used to open the software on the phone. You must format it as follows: # at the beginning of the code and * at the end. For example #345456*
After make all change you want, don’t forget click Save and Start to save all new setting and program begin to work.
Click Back to return to main screen and then click Exit to hide program interface.
You can now log into your account on the website Go to Settings page and config your smtp email account. And then you just need to wait a few hours to receive your first keylogger report.

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